Tuesday, December 18, 2012

TIME is passing , OUTRAGE is GROWING !

CNN continues to broadcast the name of the perpetrator of the " Newtown Massacre "! Can you imagine what signal , this is sending to someone , that is weighing their " Options "? MAKE NO MISTAKE , there are those out there with the same " mindset " , as those that committed the previous FOUR Atrocities , that President Obama was caused to deal with , by visiting the " loved ones of the Victims "!

Watching the " Piers Morgan Show on CNN , i saw , one of those , that President Obama comforted , with , virtually the same words , that he used Friday and again on Sunday . I have no doubt that President Obama  , is genuinely distressed by what is taking place , repeatedly . Political Capital is what got him Elected in 2008 and just recently reelected . This is a commodity , that has to be expended , diligently , to give the Nation the best results .

Last night , European time , i saw Many Americans beseiging the offices of the " NRA ": It was quite clear from the placards , carried , that this is an ongoing situation . People have  been expressing their feelings about the " NRA " for many years .

" A week is a long time in Politics " , is a well known expression ? Passions are currently inflamed by the weekend's events and many of those " Paid up Politicians " endorsed by the " NRA ", must be hunkered down , hoping to survive the " Firestorm " that has been created by this the latest , of the ongoing series of indefensible " OUTRAGES "! Being on the Payroll of the " NRA " , has made raising Campaign Funds , somewhat easier for Politicians in recent years . Did i hear correct , when TV informed me that the 2012 elexction Campaign cost Billions ?

President Obama , you have to act TODAY , your promises to the Families of the " Aurora Massacre " are unfulfilled and who knows when the next Serial Murderer will seek Notoriety ?

You have the National guard , to take control of ALL " Assault type Weapons " ! Congress should have ALREADY been recalled to reinstitute the Bills repealed in 2004 . Australian and British Legislation is on the Internet and you have the Legal Staff that can adjust the terminology to suit the US Constitutional requirements !



AS Leader of the " FREE WORLD " , you are able TO ACT !

Nobody seems to want to help here :


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