Los Angeles is at the cutting edge when it comes to " taking an Initiative "! Normally May each year , there is a " Collection of Weapons , thus generating " Gift Coupons " as a reward ! $100 " gift Voucher for Hand Guns , etc and $200 for Assault type weapons . Last May somewhere around 1700 items were exchanged on a " No Questions asked basis .
Due to the Newtown Atrocity , a new " Collection of Weapons " is reported to have begun ! How can anyone justify an " Anti Tank Gun " , in their possession ? Can you imagine how anyone could take this item out in public , let alone hunting ? Could it have been a souvenir of a member of the " Armed Services ? Not the sort of item that any "Right thinking Person " would keep in their home , let alone in an unlocked storage facility ? In a previous Blog Post , i had suggested that Weapons be turned in at the National Guard in return for a " Tax Rebate "! Costs the Government , little , to forego some revenue ! Seems that the Los Angeles Initiative gets results over the years , wonder why this is not a more common occurance throughout the USA ?
When Australia enacted Legislation for " Gun Control in 1996 , there was also a " Buy Back Scheme ": There were penalties for " Possession of a Sanctioned Weapon " after a certain date , but , i am sure most owners were happy to take the " Rewards on Offer "! Tax Rebates , may not be as attractive as giving " Gift Vouchers " , but they will mean less chance of people not complying with Legislation .
CNN reports another Initiative that i believe is worthwhile . A Newspaper , " Journal news ", has printed a listing of ALL Gun Permit Owners in TWO Counties of New York State . this is backed up by an " Interactive Map " ! This Interactive Map allows you to Zoom in on ALL your neighbours , this info being compiled from Public Information . Naturally , there is now a controversy regarding the " Rights & Wrongs " of this " Public spirited Action "! Some families will now be perusing those lists , checking to see whether the Childrens " Friends " , are listed , deciding whether they have issues about their Children visiting those premises ?
On the Contra side there are those suggesting the " Criminal Elements " will be able to utilise this info , for their benefit ? Looking to obtain some weapons , or knowing who can be regarded as " Defenceless " , are just a few of the ideas floated as justification for this Initiative , NOT being utilised by others releasing similar information elsewhere .
CONGRESS is supposedly returning to Washington before the New Year , WHAT is stopping them from following Los Angeles and using the " Legislation appied THERE " , to create an IMMEDIATE " BUY BACK Scheme " in their States and " Districts "?
Are these politicians SO COWARDLY that they want to see more " Giffords , more NEWTOWNS , more "First Responders " massacred ?
WHY are people not on the phone to their ELECTED REPS , demanding INITIATIVES and ACTION TODAY ?
Are you going to sit back after reading this and NOT VISIT : http://www.demandaplan.org/
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
TIME is passing , OUTRAGE is GROWING !
CNN continues to broadcast the name of the perpetrator of the " Newtown Massacre "! Can you imagine what signal , this is sending to someone , that is weighing their " Options "? MAKE NO MISTAKE , there are those out there with the same " mindset " , as those that committed the previous FOUR Atrocities , that President Obama was caused to deal with , by visiting the " loved ones of the Victims "!
Watching the " Piers Morgan Show on CNN , i saw , one of those , that President Obama comforted , with , virtually the same words , that he used Friday and again on Sunday . I have no doubt that President Obama , is genuinely distressed by what is taking place , repeatedly . Political Capital is what got him Elected in 2008 and just recently reelected . This is a commodity , that has to be expended , diligently , to give the Nation the best results .
Last night , European time , i saw Many Americans beseiging the offices of the " NRA ": It was quite clear from the placards , carried , that this is an ongoing situation . People have been expressing their feelings about the " NRA " for many years .
" A week is a long time in Politics " , is a well known expression ? Passions are currently inflamed by the weekend's events and many of those " Paid up Politicians " endorsed by the " NRA ", must be hunkered down , hoping to survive the " Firestorm " that has been created by this the latest , of the ongoing series of indefensible " OUTRAGES "! Being on the Payroll of the " NRA " , has made raising Campaign Funds , somewhat easier for Politicians in recent years . Did i hear correct , when TV informed me that the 2012 elexction Campaign cost Billions ?
President Obama , you have to act TODAY , your promises to the Families of the " Aurora Massacre " are unfulfilled and who knows when the next Serial Murderer will seek Notoriety ?
You have the National guard , to take control of ALL " Assault type Weapons " ! Congress should have ALREADY been recalled to reinstitute the Bills repealed in 2004 . Australian and British Legislation is on the Internet and you have the Legal Staff that can adjust the terminology to suit the US Constitutional requirements !
AS Leader of the " FREE WORLD " , you are able TO ACT !
Nobody seems to want to help here :
Watching the " Piers Morgan Show on CNN , i saw , one of those , that President Obama comforted , with , virtually the same words , that he used Friday and again on Sunday . I have no doubt that President Obama , is genuinely distressed by what is taking place , repeatedly . Political Capital is what got him Elected in 2008 and just recently reelected . This is a commodity , that has to be expended , diligently , to give the Nation the best results .
Last night , European time , i saw Many Americans beseiging the offices of the " NRA ": It was quite clear from the placards , carried , that this is an ongoing situation . People have been expressing their feelings about the " NRA " for many years .
" A week is a long time in Politics " , is a well known expression ? Passions are currently inflamed by the weekend's events and many of those " Paid up Politicians " endorsed by the " NRA ", must be hunkered down , hoping to survive the " Firestorm " that has been created by this the latest , of the ongoing series of indefensible " OUTRAGES "! Being on the Payroll of the " NRA " , has made raising Campaign Funds , somewhat easier for Politicians in recent years . Did i hear correct , when TV informed me that the 2012 elexction Campaign cost Billions ?
President Obama , you have to act TODAY , your promises to the Families of the " Aurora Massacre " are unfulfilled and who knows when the next Serial Murderer will seek Notoriety ?
You have the National guard , to take control of ALL " Assault type Weapons " ! Congress should have ALREADY been recalled to reinstitute the Bills repealed in 2004 . Australian and British Legislation is on the Internet and you have the Legal Staff that can adjust the terminology to suit the US Constitutional requirements !
AS Leader of the " FREE WORLD " , you are able TO ACT !
Nobody seems to want to help here :
Saturday, December 15, 2012
An emotional President , Barack Obama , stood at the Podium last night , distressed to the point of being unable to articulate his feelings ! When he walked away from the podium to his office , what were his thoughts ? We ALL know who the " real culprits " of this sad occasion are ! Even people like me , an outsider without " Offspring " knows that the future is the " YOUNG "!
News Networks are swarming all over this story , clamouring for their " take " on WHY this tradegy was allowed to happen . Money and " Vested Interests " is why this latest tradegy has come about . As i wake this morning , i have seen Sky News , AlJazeera , CNN and BBC World News Networks put forward their " experts " , to attempt to explain the motivations of the perpetrator , of this the latest , of so many outrages .
As an Australian i cast my memory back to the " Tasmanian Event ", 95 lives lost in that " killing spree "! As a visitor to the USA , i have been in the neighbourhood of this latest incident , and since the 1966 Austin Tradegy , so many of these incidents have occured in areas that i have visited at some time over the years . Even the U.K. has had the " Dunblane Infants School " event , where 16 youngsters lost their lives ! That alone ,should have sent the message throughout the world ? Holland and France are other Countries , that have suffered these Heinous Tradegies .
President Barack Obama , YOU alone can solve the problem in the USA ! The National Rifle Association Board Members should be rounded up , TODAY , walked through the corridors of Newtown's Elementary School , BEFORE the bodies are removed ! When these people see the results , of their intractable opposition to any reform of the US Gun laws , then cast their minds over how they would feel , if it were their Family Members , lying there , would they oppose SENSIBLE GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS ?
The National Rifle Association has so much money to THREATEN every Politician , that NO POLITICIAN is willing to risk their career to oppose them ! " Pax America " is the World's Policeman , in the main it does a good job , BUT , how can you Police the world , when there are so many problems at Home ? Certainly a GUN does not operate by itself , just as a car cannot maim , by itself ! Here is not the place to make arguments " For and Against Gun Control "!
The Second Amendment of the US Constitution provides US Citizens with RIGHTS ! HOW much effort is required to repeal this Amendment ? Throughout the World people are using Social Media to express their Outrage and Sorrow for the results of this UNNECESSARY ATROCITY ! Time people stopped thinking about ways to safeguard " Children " , BUT , about ways to CLOSEDOWN those that prevent the enactment of Legislation to repeal the 2nd Amendment !
How many more communities must have this HORROR visited on Families of Children ? Put yourself in the shoes of a Board Member of the National Rifle Association and ask YOURSELF if you would release funds to fight President Obama , when he introduces Legislation to Repeal the " 2nd Amendment "?
When Barack Obama walked onto the Podium , he was behaving as a parent , he let the World see how much he cared for his Two children and Michelle his Wife ! He said that there will be action to deal with this situation . No doubt , back in his office , after quiet reflection , he would have started to work the phones , calling in support for the Initiatives , that he MUST take , to prevent countless repetitions , of these senseless incidents .
Make no mistake , this is ONLY the latest example , of this continual stream , of " publicity seeking mentally disturbed individuals "! People with " issues ", seek ways to show others , their particular concerns . Even now , as i write this post , i see CNN's , Piers Morgan , interviewing a " Class mate " , seeking a view of the perpetrator's personality and his background whilst at school and the time since . Now the Experts are saying that there are TWO types of perpetrator . Either " Sociepaths " or " Brain Damaged " individuals , for me this is not the answer since EVERYBODY is UNIQUE ! " Basking in the Glory of their ACTION "? Each " expert " has their OWN take on each Tradegy ! One of these Experts said that " America " FAILED the " Mentally ILL "! The other said " This event is statistically Extremely Rare "!
The title of this post " Cowardice " comes about , because TOO MANY PEOPLE , choose to avoid deciding to ACT ! This applies to the whole cross section of the Community , those Elected to Office as well as the Voters ! People in the USA seem to have only a choice of Republican and Democratic Candidates when National Elections take place , YOU as a Voter , need to decide you will only Vote for the Candidates that will Vote against the Interests of the " GUN LOBBY "!
Statistically speaking , an unproved fact , 3 times more people will act aggressively when they have a GUN in their house ! In this modern world , why is it necessary to have a Gun in the house ? Certainly , a small percentage of homes are raided by criminal elements , occasionally these perpetrators will be carrying guns and willing to utilise them to avoid detention .
At the risk of offending people , NOBODY outside Law Enforcement Personnel , require firearms ! Even farmers in areas where wild animals roam do not require " firearms "! They can choose to avoid these areas and when they need to " cull " , obtain the necessary permits .
" GUN CONTROL " is an emotive issue , so much so that the Piers Morgan Show has deteriorated into a Shouting Match "! " NRA " are described as " Enablers of Mass Murder " amongst other things ! The " Gun Lobby " has to change their way of thinking so that Mr & Mrs America can live at peace !
My only adverse contact with guns , accured in 1988 when i was driving in Sydney . Driving north along Castlereagh Street , mid morning , i saw a long haired man , pull a hand gun and shoot another in the leg ! The shot man was wearing the uniform of a " Security Company ", thus carrying a holster on his belt . As he collapsed the perpetrator , removed the pistol and started to run down the street . Carrying a " hands free phone " in the Van i called the Police and persued giving directions as the culprit changed direction several times . It felt like hours , but obviously , only minutes , and several times i ducked , thinking a bullet was going to come my way . Eventually the man ducked into a building , at which time a warrant card was flashed at my window and i passed information to the Detectives arriving on the scene . Regretably the culprit exited the back of the building so the matter was left in suspence for some months . Eventually caught , he was sentenced to 7years , after witnesses such as myself gave evidence in court .
Created the following Petition ;
Whilst YOU may not like the choice of words , support this action OR create a better way FORWARD !
NB I regret to say , that i did not wish the Grieving Parents , the Space to grieve without the World invading their Privacy . Not having been a Parent , i have no idea of what they are suffering .
So far there is no sign of the names of the casulties and R.I.P. seems so inadequate ?
President Obama in speaking as a Father and Parent said the following :
BY SIGNING THE Petition above YOU can contribute to the impetus needed for ACTION !
News Networks are swarming all over this story , clamouring for their " take " on WHY this tradegy was allowed to happen . Money and " Vested Interests " is why this latest tradegy has come about . As i wake this morning , i have seen Sky News , AlJazeera , CNN and BBC World News Networks put forward their " experts " , to attempt to explain the motivations of the perpetrator , of this the latest , of so many outrages .
As an Australian i cast my memory back to the " Tasmanian Event ", 95 lives lost in that " killing spree "! As a visitor to the USA , i have been in the neighbourhood of this latest incident , and since the 1966 Austin Tradegy , so many of these incidents have occured in areas that i have visited at some time over the years . Even the U.K. has had the " Dunblane Infants School " event , where 16 youngsters lost their lives ! That alone ,should have sent the message throughout the world ? Holland and France are other Countries , that have suffered these Heinous Tradegies .
President Barack Obama , YOU alone can solve the problem in the USA ! The National Rifle Association Board Members should be rounded up , TODAY , walked through the corridors of Newtown's Elementary School , BEFORE the bodies are removed ! When these people see the results , of their intractable opposition to any reform of the US Gun laws , then cast their minds over how they would feel , if it were their Family Members , lying there , would they oppose SENSIBLE GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS ?
The National Rifle Association has so much money to THREATEN every Politician , that NO POLITICIAN is willing to risk their career to oppose them ! " Pax America " is the World's Policeman , in the main it does a good job , BUT , how can you Police the world , when there are so many problems at Home ? Certainly a GUN does not operate by itself , just as a car cannot maim , by itself ! Here is not the place to make arguments " For and Against Gun Control "!
The Second Amendment of the US Constitution provides US Citizens with RIGHTS ! HOW much effort is required to repeal this Amendment ? Throughout the World people are using Social Media to express their Outrage and Sorrow for the results of this UNNECESSARY ATROCITY ! Time people stopped thinking about ways to safeguard " Children " , BUT , about ways to CLOSEDOWN those that prevent the enactment of Legislation to repeal the 2nd Amendment !
How many more communities must have this HORROR visited on Families of Children ? Put yourself in the shoes of a Board Member of the National Rifle Association and ask YOURSELF if you would release funds to fight President Obama , when he introduces Legislation to Repeal the " 2nd Amendment "?
When Barack Obama walked onto the Podium , he was behaving as a parent , he let the World see how much he cared for his Two children and Michelle his Wife ! He said that there will be action to deal with this situation . No doubt , back in his office , after quiet reflection , he would have started to work the phones , calling in support for the Initiatives , that he MUST take , to prevent countless repetitions , of these senseless incidents .
Make no mistake , this is ONLY the latest example , of this continual stream , of " publicity seeking mentally disturbed individuals "! People with " issues ", seek ways to show others , their particular concerns . Even now , as i write this post , i see CNN's , Piers Morgan , interviewing a " Class mate " , seeking a view of the perpetrator's personality and his background whilst at school and the time since . Now the Experts are saying that there are TWO types of perpetrator . Either " Sociepaths " or " Brain Damaged " individuals , for me this is not the answer since EVERYBODY is UNIQUE ! " Basking in the Glory of their ACTION "? Each " expert " has their OWN take on each Tradegy ! One of these Experts said that " America " FAILED the " Mentally ILL "! The other said " This event is statistically Extremely Rare "!
The title of this post " Cowardice " comes about , because TOO MANY PEOPLE , choose to avoid deciding to ACT ! This applies to the whole cross section of the Community , those Elected to Office as well as the Voters ! People in the USA seem to have only a choice of Republican and Democratic Candidates when National Elections take place , YOU as a Voter , need to decide you will only Vote for the Candidates that will Vote against the Interests of the " GUN LOBBY "!
Statistically speaking , an unproved fact , 3 times more people will act aggressively when they have a GUN in their house ! In this modern world , why is it necessary to have a Gun in the house ? Certainly , a small percentage of homes are raided by criminal elements , occasionally these perpetrators will be carrying guns and willing to utilise them to avoid detention .
At the risk of offending people , NOBODY outside Law Enforcement Personnel , require firearms ! Even farmers in areas where wild animals roam do not require " firearms "! They can choose to avoid these areas and when they need to " cull " , obtain the necessary permits .
" GUN CONTROL " is an emotive issue , so much so that the Piers Morgan Show has deteriorated into a Shouting Match "! " NRA " are described as " Enablers of Mass Murder " amongst other things ! The " Gun Lobby " has to change their way of thinking so that Mr & Mrs America can live at peace !
My only adverse contact with guns , accured in 1988 when i was driving in Sydney . Driving north along Castlereagh Street , mid morning , i saw a long haired man , pull a hand gun and shoot another in the leg ! The shot man was wearing the uniform of a " Security Company ", thus carrying a holster on his belt . As he collapsed the perpetrator , removed the pistol and started to run down the street . Carrying a " hands free phone " in the Van i called the Police and persued giving directions as the culprit changed direction several times . It felt like hours , but obviously , only minutes , and several times i ducked , thinking a bullet was going to come my way . Eventually the man ducked into a building , at which time a warrant card was flashed at my window and i passed information to the Detectives arriving on the scene . Regretably the culprit exited the back of the building so the matter was left in suspence for some months . Eventually caught , he was sentenced to 7years , after witnesses such as myself gave evidence in court .
Created the following Petition ;
Whilst YOU may not like the choice of words , support this action OR create a better way FORWARD !
NB I regret to say , that i did not wish the Grieving Parents , the Space to grieve without the World invading their Privacy . Not having been a Parent , i have no idea of what they are suffering .
So far there is no sign of the names of the casulties and R.I.P. seems so inadequate ?
President Obama in speaking as a Father and Parent said the following :
BY SIGNING THE Petition above YOU can contribute to the impetus needed for ACTION !
Thursday, December 6, 2012
PHIL ANDERSON speaks about " CCN "!

My comment as issued , currently awaiting Moderation !
" G'day Phil ,
You will recall our many meetings at the side of the TDF , when you were shepherding your Client guests ! Last time we spoke , i guess would be at the 2009 TDF , in the South of France under the Ville Arrivee big screen . You and those with you , rode past the Bus Shelter where we were having a cook up prior to driving to the ITT , the next day . The remark of a guest that i was camping there contributed to the decision to set up the tents .
As i write , the " CCN ( www.Changecyclingnow.org ) Petitioners has passed 3200 , that is in 3 days . Shows that there is need for Cyclists to be able to express their ANGER to the way that " UCI " has been mismanaged these past 20 years . I am on record as saying that ALL RESULTS from 1970 should be set aside ! EPO has been around longer BUT where do you start ?
Regretably " Big Mig " has had the finger pointed at him , numerous times in CNFclinic , Riis has put his hand up , Ulrich paid out money for the German Authorities to drop their action , we all know about Pantani & Armstrong , flandis got displaced by a " doubtful contender , Castre ( No reports against him ) is from Spain and worked for Riis , Contador has served a suspension and is Spanish . Now we come to Evans & Wiggins , both are hard workers and whilst i am sympathetic to their circumstances , both had questionable " Staff " and employers . Brailsford is busy clearing out ALL those who are " tainted " and Andy Rhys ran " Phonak Team ( where all publicity is GOOD ) now employs many question m,arks at BMC !

In setting up the following petitions i looked for ways for a soft landing for the Cycle Racers , many have crossed the line and deserve " redemption "! Matt white has been " shafted " for being honest and Steve Hodge in trying to be an Exemplary Person has been tarred . Brailsford has worked against solving " OMERTA " by threatening " Dismissal " as did Patrick Lefevre at Quickstep by dismissing Levi ( 1996 was the start of his disgrace , and Quickstep would you believe ? didn't know ) Leipheimer :
http://www.change.org/petitions/wada-create-an-amnesty-in-all-sports …
http://www.change.org/en-GB/petitions/office-of-the-governor-general-of-australia-create-the-means-for-a-sports-amnesty-in-australia#invite …
Whether you did or didn't cross the line is for you to declare but I WILL ASSUME that if you choose not to sign onto the " GG Petition " that there are questions you choose not to answer !
As one of the premier Aussie Sportsmen , you can influence the fate of others ! It reminds me pof the sheriff whom i have not seen since the TDS when he reminded me of " things he claims i said in 1999 ! Either good memory or choosing to bend my doubts of his past associations ?
Enjoyed your article but would wish to point out that Mike Ashenden was asked to stand but Greg was " cornered ( his words elsewhere ) " , as it turns out , this was the best outcome since Tuesday as it snowed here in Austria , i pedalled in the house and flipped channel from one Major News Network to another , ALL , showed " CCN Meeting facility and Greg . One channel showed "phat mc quack's " back , but whilst you 6 I would notice him , very few others would , nor was he named !
" CCN " is in it's infancy and phat has already tried to derail it with his request for Submissions / help by the 10th Dec , that is like someone " dragging a bush across a trail " ? Problem for ANYONE wishing change is the " UCI ( old boys club/network ) Constitution ! Vested interests will be at work to preserve the " Status Quo "! You already know how much difficulty there is with Gaudry V Turtur in Oceania , so how much more complex will the " Presidency fight " become ?
Looking forward to your reply , which will be added to this comment that will be posted on www.skippyaus.blogspot.com blog ! "
No doubt you will have views as to the effect on Phil's Legacy of any disparaging remarks made by those inhabiting the " Clinic " where ALL are free to adopt " Psuedenoms and fictitious IP addresses " and throw as much mud as they can find energy or time . Just occasionally there is a Needle in the haystack worth the effort to endure the odour !
Additionally contacted UK ADA , as i saw a Tweet about David Howman's visit , have previously written to John Fahy with NO RESPONSE so far :
Found the tweet about David Howman's visit : IF he is still there show him these links please , meanwhile encourage others to sign on !
The "www.changecyclingnow.org " petition has many elements that i have addressed the past years , of course who am i to tell people what to do ?
http://www.change.org/petitions/wada-create-an-amnesty-in-all-sports …
http://www.change.org/en-GB/petitions/office-of-the-governor-general-of-australia-create-the-means-for-a-sports-amnesty-in-australia#invite …
Looking forward to the UCI being RUN CORRECTLY for the BENEFIT OF ALL ATHLETES !
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